One of the important stages of job hunting is the interview phase, where a recruiter or a representative and a job seeker engage in a conversation which later leads to either the recruiter hiring the job seeker or not.

Quite a number of job seekers don’t know how to adequately prepare for a job interview which results in them getting nervous and eventually performing poorly or not meeting the recruiter’s expectations.

Your performance in an  interview depends (to an extent) on how well you prepare. Interviews can either be virtual or physical, there are still some things unique to both that you need to do to prepare for your interview. 

Let’s take a look at them 

Conduct Thorough Research.

Whether you’ve been invited to a physical or virtual interview, you should swiftly swing into action by conducting intensive research on the following:

The company: It’s important to have firsthand knowledge and a comprehensive overview of the company you should undesand understanding its core operations, values, and where you fit into its framework. Your research shouldn’t stop at just knowing their products or services but extend to understanding their company culture. Check the internet for employee testimonials, company publications, their competitors, and their recently embarked projects. This research ensures that you won’t be caught off guard if any questions about the company is thrown at you during your interview. It’s not just about fitting into their structure but also aligning with their values. 

The role: Make sure you review the job description to refresh your memory, understand your responsibilities and how qualified you are for the position. Make sure your skill set matches the description the company is emphasizing and what they want in their applicant. Do these things to avoid making a bad first impression in your interview. 

Practice Common Interview Questions

Believe that your interviewer is so interested in you that they want to know everything about you. They like to hear stories, they like to hear about your experiences, your education, how long you’ve been in your profession, and how your journey has been so far. Here are some possible questions your interviewer will ask:

  • Tell us about yourself and briefly discuss your background. 
  • How did you hear about this job?
  • What do you know about this company and position
  • Why did you apply for this job
  • Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years
  • How do you handle pressure
  • What type of work environment do you prefer? 
  • What are your salary expectations?

To answer these questions confidently and perfectly to the taste of your interviewer, you need lots of practice, just as the saying goes ‘practice makes perfect’. Prepare these questions and a lot more ahead of your interview date and time possibly with a friend to help with critiques and corrections if needed. 

Be Prepared To Ask Questions

Towards the end of your interview, you will     be asked if you have any questions to ask, most people get it wrong by saying ‘no’, answering your interviewer’s questions is just as important as hem answering yous. This shows the interviewer that you’re interested and ready to learn more about the company, But here are general questions you can ask:

  • What does the work culture in a company look like?
  • Is there an opportunity for career growth in your company?
  • Can you tell?  me more about the day-to-day responsibilities and your expectations for this role.
  • How do you maintain rapport between your employees?

Dress Professionally

You should’ve at least prepared your clothes by ironing and pressing them a day before your interview. Make sure you’ve perfectly understood the company’s dress code so as not to overdress or underdress for the interview. You make sure you look neat and your clothes are clean and wrinkle-free.

Be Punctual

Plan to arrive at least 10 to 15 minutes earlier for your interview. This would help you do last-minute checkups, calm your nerves, and practice over again. 

Test Your Technology In Advance

If it is your first time doing a virtual interview or you have had an experience, one thing remains unchanged: ‘technical difficulties’. Firstly, a day before your interview, test and see whether your internet connection is secure, and make sure your computer is fully charged and working. Confirm to see if your webcam and microphone are working. On the day of your interview, check your sound and video to ensure everything is working properly.

Avoid Distractions

If you’re doing a virtual interview, it’ll be advisable to set up your computer in a quiet place with no disturbances and noise to avoid distractions that would divert your attention from your interview as this would leave a bad impression on your interviewer. 

Print Out Physical Copies Of Your Resume 

Bringing copies of your resume along with other important documents will help you to easily refer to it when you’re asked any question related to your resume. It shows how organized and prepared you are. 

Be Confident And Do Not Fidget

Calm your nerves and prepare to answer all questions confidently. No matter how skillful or talented you are, if you lack confidence and are restless, you can ruin your chances of getting the job. It’s important to show your interviewee that you’re capable and can handle any situation or task. Nobody wants to work with someone who is not confident enough about their skills and abilities. 

In conclusion, you can make a strong lasting impression in your interview by Showing real excitement about the job, sharing your achievements, asking smart questions, and telling a short, engaging story about yourself. 

Lastly, Be thankful and send a quick thank-you email. Remember names and, if needed, send extra info about your skills. Keep it real, and you’ll leave a great impression that sticks in their minds.


Oluwatosin Oguntunde

Founder and CEO of

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