Welcome to OpportunityGist.

Your gateway to a world of possibilities!

We are more than just a platform; we are the catalyst for global empowerment. Opportunity Gist connects individuals worldwide with decentralized access to opportunities, fostering inclusivity and bridging the gap in information and skills. Our commitment extends beyond mere connectivity; we empower you to shape your future through a dedicated research driven technology platform to create a sustainable impacts that stand the test of time. At Opportunity Gist, our strategic priorities, programs, and initiatives converge to create a platform that goes beyond conventional opportunities. At Opportunity Gist, we believe that centralizing information and providing skills training can break down barriers and empower individuals globally. By creating a decentralized platform, we ensure that opportunities are not concentrated in specific regions or demographics. Our change methodologies revolves around the idea that access to information and skill development can propel individuals towards personal and professional success. We invite you to join us on this journey of empowerment, where knowledge, skills, and opportunities intersect to shape a better future for individuals globally. – Oluwatosin Oguntunde.

The Global Opportunity Gap (Problem Statement):

In an interconnected world where information is paramount, the disheartening reality is that opportunities are not equally accessible to everyone. The pervasive Global Opportunity Gap, affecting 1.8 billion people between 15 and 29, presents a formidable challenge hindering personal and professional growth. 

The World Economic Forum (WEF) reports underscore the gravity of this situation, emphasizing the urgent need to address this global issue, especially in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. These staggering statistics represent lives, dreams, and aspirations denied due to systemic barriers preventing individuals from reaching their full potential. The urgency to address the global opportunity gap is not merely a challenge; it’s a call to transformative action. 

As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, the call for equitable access to opportunities becomes more pronounced. The link between the lack of opportunity and poverty is undeniable. 

This vicious cycle, as highlighted by the World Bank, entraps individuals without access to education, employment, and resources. Reducing the global opportunity gap, according to the World Bank, could significantly contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 1: No Poverty. 

The call to address the opportunity gap extends beyond individual empowerment; it is a prerequisite for sustainable global development. The opportunity gap disproportionately affects women, perpetuating gender inequality. UN Women emphasizes that addressing gender disparities in education and employment could add trillions to the global economy. 

Closing the gender gap in the workforce alone could increase global GDP by up to $28 trillion by 2025. Unequal distribution of opportunities also restrains economic growth globally, with the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimating that reducing gender gaps in the labor market could increase GDP in advanced economies by 5%. 

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, marked by the convergence of digital, physical, and biological technologies, brings unprecedented opportunities but also intensifies the need for equitable access to these opportunities. 

The technology divide, as highlighted by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), widens existing inequalities, limiting opportunities for those without internet access. Furthermore, a skills mismatch due to a lack of quality education and training exacerbates unemployment, perpetuating economic disparities, as reported by the International Labour Organization (ILO). 

Recognizing the global implications of the opportunity gap, international organizations such as the United Nations (UN), the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are actively engaged in efforts to address this pressing issue. 

The UN, through its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically targets inclusive and equitable quality education. The World Bank focuses on investing in human capital to reduce poverty and foster shared prosperity, while the IMF works towards promoting economic inclusivity globally. Addressing the global opportunity gap necessitates a multifaceted approach, involving collaborations between governments, international organizations, and private entities. 

Investments in education, particularly in digital literacy and skills development, are imperative to narrowing the technology divide. Creating an inclusive workforce that values diversity and provides equal opportunities is crucial, requiring the dismantling of systemic barriers perpetuating gender inequality and limiting access to economic opportunities for marginalized communities. In conclusion, the global opportunity gap is not only a challenge but a call to transformative action.

As we stand at the convergence of unprecedented technological advancements and persistent societal inequalities, the need for concerted efforts to bridge the opportunity gap is evident. By addressing this gap, we empower individuals, pave the way for inclusive economic growth, and contribute to sustainable global development. The time for transformative change is now, and it begins with a commitment to
unlocking the potential that lies within every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances. Bridging the global opportunity gap is not only a moral imperative but a strategic investment in a future where opportunities are truly accessible to all.

Vision & Mission statements


We aspire to create a world where every young person, regardless of their background or location, possesses the essential tools, resources, and opportunities to achieve their fullest potential and thrive in an ever-evolving global landscape.


Our mission is to bridge the global opportunity gap for young people by centralizing diverse opportunities
and offering accessible training, tools, and opportunities in employability, entrepreneurship, and
technology skills. We are dedicated to empowering individuals, enabling them to pursue their aspirations,
and fostering positive societal transformation through our commitment to connectivity and skill

1. Creativity
2. Innovation
3. Disruptive thinking
4. Commitment

Our Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Opportunity Gist aligns seamlessly with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United Nations. Our mission directly contributes to:

SDG 1: No Poverty

SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG 5: Gender Equality

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG 10: Reduced Inequality

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

By addressing the global opportunity gap, we actively participate in achieving these critical SDGs, fostering a more equitable and sustainable world.

What we offer

Our Approaches:
1. Decentralized Access: We provide a centralized platform to ensure global accessibility to e-learning, scholarships, internships, fellowships, funding, exchange programs, and job opportunities,
regardless of individuals & geographic location.

2. Inclusive Learning: Our e-learning platform focuses on technology, employability, and entrepreneurship skills, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience for users.

3. Community Engagement: We actively engage with diverse communities to understand their needs, ensuring our platform is tailored to the unique requirements of our global user base.

4. Data-Driven Insights: We utilize data-driven insights to continuously enhance our platform,
making it more responsive to user needs and societal trends.

5. Strategic Partnerships: By fostering partnerships with organizations and institutions, we expand the reach of our platform and collaborate to create a more interconnected ecosystem of opportunities.

6. Premium Consulting Services: A personalized consultation, tailored guidance for individuals and
organizations in their opportunity pursuit, as well as enabling strategic planning that craft a roadmaps
for success in education, career, and entrepreneurship.

Our Initiatives:
1. Inclusive Technology Skills Initiative: Bridging the Digital Divide.

a. What We Offer:
– Free Tech Workshops: Bridging the technology skills gap with accessible workshops.
– Global Tech Initiatives: Collaborations and programs that promote inclusivity in the tech

b. Why Tech Inclusivity Matters:
– Empowering individuals with technology skills enhances employability and entrepreneurial potential.
– We believe in democratizing technology education for all.

2. Sustainable Education and Career Pathways: Nurturing Growth.

a. Our Focus:
– Educational Partnerships: Collaborations with institutions to enhance educational access.
– Career Development Programs: Workshops and resources for skill development and career

b. Impact We Aim For:
– Creating sustainable pathways for education and career growth.
– Fostering a community where individuals support each other’s journeys.

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