Being qualified or meeting all the requirements for a scholarship doesn’t automatically guarantee you’ll receive it on a silver platter. Securing a scholarship is about writing a compelling application that captures the attention of the scholarship committee team. 

Your application letter is your chance to show that you’re the perfect fit and in this article, we’ll delve into the art of writing a winning scholarship application, breaking down the process into simple and accessible steps with a template you can follow.


A scholarship application is a formal request in the form of a document that an aspiring student or current student submits to be considered for financial aid to further their education. It’s a document that typically requires a letter expressing your interest and explaining why the student is a deserving candidate. 


Review The Scholarship Requirements

It’s important that before you begin to write your application letter, you carefully review the criteria for the scholarship set by the awarding body. Understanding their core values, and the specific criteria helps you meet the necessary qualifications and allows you to emphasize these aspects in your letter. 

Introduce Yourself And Why You’re Applying

By introducing yourself, you should include important information such as your current or intended college major, your career aspirations, and the potential impact of the funding on your academics. To make it more compelling and persuasive, start the first paragraph by focusing on your understanding of the organization, its expectations, and the award. 

Discuss Your Major Accomplishments 

This is the stage where you brand yourself and don’t get shy or intimidated to showcase your accomplishments. After introducing yourself, you can proceed to highlight your major accomplishments and academic milestones you’ve reached. No matter how little you think the achievement is, it might be that you displayed leadership skills or contributed to the society in one way. The committee is interested in seeing the evidence of your dedication and determination to make you deserving of the award. 

List Your Unique Skills And/Or Qualities

This stage is an opportunity for you to include the details that are not on your academic transcripts. Once you’ve discussed your accomplishments, you should proceed to include your unique skills and abilities that’ll single you out of the crowd(other scholarship candidates). You should include the acquisition of the relevant skills pertaining to your academics that you’ve immersed yourself with over the years. An application letter is an opportunity to let the scholarship committee know more about your personality and aspirations. 

Clearly Express Your Interest 

This is the last paragraph and it’s for you to clearly express your enthusiasm for the progress of your education or future career path and clearly express why you’re passionate about the field. Share your vision as this would show the organization how you  plan on making good use of their financial support to further your education and develop more skills that’ll set you up for a successful career. 

Include Your Contact Info

Before you begin your application and the first paragraph, add a header in that document that would contain your contact information. Your full name, recent and current phone number, and academic email address. It would be indicated if the organization wants you to include additional details like the school you graduated from or currently attending, as this would also be featured in the header. Below your personal details, you should also include the name of the honoring institution or organization.

Write Your Application For Each Scholarship: 

To avoid submitting similar applications to many scholarships, tailor your application to match the specific requirements of each scholarship. This shows that you pay attention to details and are genuinely interested in the scholarship and  not trying just anyone that works for you. 

Conclude By Thanking The Reader: 

To conclude your scholarship application, thank the scholarship committee for their time and consideration. You can also add that you’re free and open to a call with them if they want to discuss further, ask questions, or if you want to follow up on the status of your application, indicate the fastest means of contacting you such as through email or phone number. 

Scholarship Application Template

[Your Name] 

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code] 

[Your Email Address] 

[Your Phone Number] 


[Scholarship Committee’s Name] 

[Scholarship Name] 

[Scholarship Organization] 

[Organization’s Address]

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to apply for the [Scholarship Name]. As an aspiring [Your College Major] student, I am enthusiastic about the prospect of furthering my education and am committed to contributing positively to my community.

In my academic journey, I have maintained a GPA of [Your GPA] and have actively participated in [Extracurricular Activities/Volunteer Work]. These experiences have shaped my dedication to [Your Field of Interest] and fueled my ambition to [Your Career Aspirations].

Receiving the [Scholarship Name] would significantly alleviate the financial burden on my family and enable me to focus wholeheartedly on my studies. It is not just a financial support system for me but a stepping stone toward achieving my dreams.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager for the opportunity to discuss further how I can contribute to the [Scholarship Organization] and make the most of this educational assistance.


[Your Full Name]

In conclusion, writing a winning scholarship application is not merely about meeting the requirements but about showcasing your unique qualities.  By highlighting your strengths you automatically create a compelling narrative. Remember, your application is a personal story – your current or intended major, career goals, and what the scholarship means to you. Keep it real as you highlight your individuality and personality. 

Also, as you begin this process, stay mindful of deadlines and customize each application to the specific requirements. Securing financial aid is a competitive journey because there are other qualified candidates like you. Still, with a thoughtful and genuine approach, you increase your chances of standing out and earning the support you need for your educational journey..

Oluwatosin Oguntunde

Founder and CEO of

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